Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28

Prepare for picture overload, I played paparazzi tonight :-)

Tyler was fussy and whiny all day long. He wanted up/to be held, but as soon as he was up he wanted down. These were taken within 30 seconds. 

march 28 1

He was a much happier baby when he had no clothes on, even better when he was totally naked. (But I'm not that brave!) He loves playing with doors, and amazingly is pretty good at not pinching his fingers. He gets mad when he locks himself in a room tho!

March 28 2

It's fun to talk on the phone in your diaper, especially after falling on your face after crawling around with a car under one hand. Notice the giant red spot thats sure to be a nice goose egg in the AM!

MARCH 28 3

Tyler's the bargain shopper in the family. He tediously sorts through the coupon book, making sure to tear out the worth while ones!

March 28 4

See more from Tyler's adventures here!

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